Signs of the Times! US and EUROPEAN nations genocide an entire people through their POLICY, as the Churches stand idly by, saying nothing...
This is just heartbreaking. Thank you for posting this so everyone can see it. I hope Trump can put a stop to all this ASAP provided he is elected. This is such a waste of human life -- and for what???? For nothing!!
The only reason I gave it a like is to support its being put out there not becausecI liked whatcI saw. Heartbreaking!!!
This is just heartbreaking. Thank you for posting this so everyone can see it. I hope Trump can put a stop to all this ASAP provided he is elected. This is such a waste of human life -- and for what???? For nothing!!
The only reason I gave it a like is to support its being put out there not becausecI liked whatcI saw. Heartbreaking!!!