
Nazis are Literally Taking New York!

Views from within and without the American "Neo-Fascist" rally (so-called), an exercise for our international readers.

This is intended as a catalyst for an informed discussion in our online meetings. Note: the video clip is without sound. A full video is below.

Using the biblical meditation method (by saying aloud, mulling and frequently considering), please evaluate the following statement:

..there will be SIGNS in the POLITICAL HEAVENS..” - Signs of the Times, June 15th, 1840

What does the phrase “Political Heavens” mean, in your own words?

Do you believe the “political heavens” are something a student of prophecy should make an effort to observe, or does that idea make you uncomfortable by getting too close to politics?

[Note: The phrase “political heavens” (attributed to William Miller) has not been heard much in Adventist circles since the mid-19th Century; rarely in the 20th Century at all. You might like to review the search results in pdf at the far bottom of this page. ]

Using your innate ability to observe, describe in your own language what you see in the clip, and also in the full embedded video, below. [PDF with full transcript at link below].

You can use the “5 Ws” framework, or "who, what, when, where, why, and how," which are six basic questions for gathering information, solving problems, and analyzing situations. It's also called the Kipling method.

Also consider what I call the Cambridge method, or WIGOH. This means asking (then responding to) the question “What is going on here?” to guide you in your analysis.

[In the true “Cambridge” method, this is usually done aloud, and responded to aloud, as “What do I see going on?” “Well, there is a group of people meeting. They are participating in a rally” etc..

When done in this way, it is akin to the “rubber duck” method of trouble-shooting, which has the advantage that you hear (engaging yet another sense) what you, yourself are saying. It is highly-effective for both learning, and uncovering hidden incongruities.]

You may already have an opinion on these issues already, but keep in mind your opinion will become more meaningful to others as you are better informed. So don’t be afraid to subject yourself to a rigorous process of investigation.

Writing as an unbiased observer does not mean we’re entirely neutral. We’re not Buddhists monks preparing for self-immolation. We often have moral proddings which defy description, “gut-instincts”, and opinions, all of which are entirely natural.

What is the definition of the word: “Vilification”?

Does this news video meet the definition, or is it more likely to be true?

Is the coverage fair and balanced?

Can you define the term “TDS” or “Trump Derangement Syndrome”?

What do you think the ramifications will be (if any) of the showcasing, side-by-side, the Trump Rally with the 1939 Nazi Rally at Madison Square Garden?

[Don’t forget the documents below.]

1.55MB ∙ PDF file
"Political heavens" Search Results
64.9KB ∙ PDF file

Some of our American readers might think this is intended to be ironic or funny— like the “Report of incident where your feelings were hurt.” But no, it’s entirely serious. It’s an appeal to those outside our National media filters to contribute to theoretically less-biased perspectives.

Although it is primarily intended for those outside the US, anyone is welcome to complete the exercise. We’re interested in opinions, but much more interested in those opinions which are more-highly informed.

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