War is based on the premise that each side imagines themselves to have the superior moral position. What Going Free is doing is taking away the moral superiority of the antiwhite. If anything Going Free is going to reduce the probability of race war as the superior moral position of the antiwhite is taken away from them.

Going Free - a term coined by Jason Kohne is explained in nowhiteguilt.org. The concept in full is "Going free from white guilt".

The premise is based upon the idea that the white man is born guilty and inherits the guilt of his ancestors for what was done by the white race in the past up to and including slavery.

Going free rejects this premise and identifies those who accept this premise as antiwhite. When you study this sufficiently you will realise the 1. The antiwhite does not have a moral leg to stand upon and if anything their moral position is offensive to God. 2. The antiwhite is trying to punish the white race for their role in spreading Christianity across the world.

Communism from whence the concept of race and white guilt comes from is a God hating ideology so of course the white race has to be punished for spreading Christianity across the world. They've only been effective in doing so because they've been able to demoralise the white race with white guilt. Take the white guilt away and the white man will have the moral tools necessary to defend himself from those hostile to his well being.

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Have you listened to the audio George?

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Yes. My last paragraph addresses what was said in the video. You can see the effects of their plan today when so many people suffer from white guilt within the white race. It is this white guilt that renders them demoralised and unable to function in their own interests.

What white people need to do is to lose their white guilt and to be able to identify all antiwhite attacks..

You will recognise these attacks when the following terms are used -


White supremacy


These are the most common terms, a non-exhaustive list but you will learn to recognise them.

It is their focus on white people to the exclusion of all others that makes these charges antiwhite.

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Thank you George

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