EXPOSED: Seven Churches in "Bible Readings for the Home Circle", Part 1
Is LAODIA spewn out?- Or "going through"? Is there a LAODICEAN DISPENSATION? The greatest liars who ever lived would be amazed by the lying of the BRHC Seven Churches Diagram.

Not much could be more responsible for the FALSE IMAGE in the minds of Seventh-day Adventists than the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle.
In the chapter “The Seven Churches” there is a DIAGRAM on page 412 of certain editions. [Later reduced in size, but using the same language.]
In that diagram will you find a final church in a sequence of churches, and that church, called “a just people,” is labeled: “To the End!”
BUT the LAODICEAN CHURCH is not GOING to that destination. They are going somewhere, but it’s NOT “THROUGH”, it is OUT!
They are NOT “a Just People,” and there is no “Going Through” message for them in Revelation. This letter is a JUDGMENT. It’s the DENOUEMENT of their wrongs. It’s the point in the story where the VILLAIN is revealed.
All you have to do is READ Revelation 3:14-22, and you’ll know this.
“I know thy works!” Revelation 3:15.
“So then… I will SPUE THEE OUT of my mouth.” Revelation 3:16.
For who is this speaker, other than Christ?
What is meant by “will” other than a certain future determined?
For what is meant to “SPUE” other than to FORCEFULLY EJECT or vomit?
And what is the direction OUT other than removed to a place OUTSIDE?
And which of you, having spued, spewn, or vomited out of your own mouth, would RETURN the vomit back into your mouths again?
Therefore, it is wrong, hideous, irretrievable, and just plain technically incorrect to say that the church that is SPEWN OUT (a verb phrase meaning FORCEFULLY EJECTED) GOING THROUGH “to the end.”
The greatest liars in the world never dreamt to lie like this. This CLASS is FORCEFULLY EJECTED by CHRIST with such cause as is provided by the saying “Because thou sayest..” and with only a brief warning.
What we want to do now is to compare the description of the Seven Churches in Bible Readings for the Home Circle with the Spirit of Prophecy to find out how DISTORTED it is.
BRHC was a compilation of articles contributed to the Bible-Reading Gazette. We can attribute its production substantially to Uriah Smith. He sat on the “Bible Readings Bureau” and therefore was in the position to include or exclude these materials, if he did not in fact write them himself.
Take a look at the diagram and see how you’ve been misled.
Knowing now that these are Christ's active letters to His missionary workers and that BRHC casts 6 of 7 of them into the ancient past, what regard ought we to have for this chapter in BRHC?
What the world should know, and the churches, and all Christians is that much of what they might ATTRIBUTE to Ellen G. White, was actually DONE BY Uriah Smith, who was the True, False-Prophet of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Read Part 2